Read about our latest updates, tips and tricks and other useful information.
Staff at Arrend were aware of the free training available but as we often hear – just couldn’t find the time. Well, eventually they found the time and again, as we often hear, wish they had done it sooner.
In a recent demo to the Electricians Success Academy, Andrew took over and simply said “Don’t think about it, just get Groundplan”.
Below we’ve compiled a list of five features in Groundplan that prove to be a huge benefit to our users, but are often overlooked.
We’ve just updated Groundplan to roll out a list of our most popular and recent feature requests. Most of which can be found under a new Actions menu.
When you’re trying to run a small trade business, it’s hard to imagine having enough time for marketing, but the last thing you want is to finish a backload of jobs only to find an empty calendar the following week.
Often it can seem like owning a trade business is as much about paperwork as it is about actual construction. However, keeping an accurate paper trail is crucial for both the management and protection of your pride and joy.
When you choose software packages that readily integrate with other providers, you can start creating a business structure that’s more like a jigsaw puzzle than something set in stone.
Before expanding your plumbing business, think about implementing these checks and balances to ensure continuous, sustained, and manageable growth.
We’re holding yet another free webinar to help existing users enhance their the Groundplan & Xero integration experience.