We’ve just updated Groundplan to roll out a list of our most popular and recent feature requests. Most of which can be found under a new Actions menu.
This list of features will primarily be utilised by Groundplan’s more advanced users, though it’s worth taking the time to see which of these features could help you in your own workflow.
The new Actions menu
A link to each of these features can be found under the new Actions menu.
Select All
Use Select All to select every item (Count, Area or Length) from the same Measurement. Ideal for applying bulk actions to items within a Measurement and particularly for when you’re transferring a group of Measurements from one place to another.
Related Help Article: Select Tool > Select All
You can now duplicate both Shapes & Measurements.
This will come in handy when you have rooms or townhouses with a similar layout. Once you’ve completed your Measurements for one, there’s no need to do it all again, simply Duplicate and move the copy to the new position. Then make the changes as necessary.
Related Help Article: Select Toll > Duplicate
Transfer Measurements
Now you can transfer Measurements within the same Stage, to another Stage or to another Plan.
Often we hear of users who have started out using single Stage. As the project gets larger you’ll want to separate items into separate Stages such as Electrical, Plumbing, Flooring etc.
Another common scenario is when the client requests an alternative material. Say for instance you’ve submitted a flooring estimate to carpet the bedrooms, the client comes back requesting an estimate for floorboards. Create a new Measurement called floorboards, and transfer your carpet takeoff to floorboards and update your pricing to suit.
It’s also useful for revised Plans. It’s not uncommon for clients to request that the items are separated out into power, lighting and data for instance.
Related Help Article: Select Tool > Transfer
Rotate Measurements as well as Annotations
You’ve always been able to rotate Annotations, but now Measurements are included in the list of items you can select and rotate. And yes, you guessed it, you can rotate multiple Measurements at once using Group select.
Related Help Article: Select Tool > Rotate 90°
Show Area and Length Totals on the Plan
A new option has been added to show the Length and Area totals on the Plan, rather than only in the Worksheet or Legend.
The totals can be formatted just like annotations and remain visible ready for print.
For existing Plans, you’ll find this option under the Style menu.
Related Help Article: Measurements – Area | Measurements – Length
Re-ordering Annotations
To add further functionality to the design and annotation side of things we’ve also added the ability to re-order Annotations to ensure text for instance appears on the top-most layer.
Related Help Article: Select Tool > Re-order Annotations