Groundplan & simPRO Superuser webinar

October 23, 2020

Update Nov. 19 2020:
A recording of the webinar is now available

Grab a cuppa and enjoy our in-depth tutorial on:

  • How to match Groundplan with your simPRO configuration to optimise your workflow;
  • Use simPRO catalog items and pre-builds for measuring in Groundplan;
  • Assign simPRO labour rates and customer rates for Groundplan measuring;
  • And a whole lot more.

Update: New Webinar created

The original webinar booked 11th November was booked out on the first day.

We’ve therefore created another webinar for the 18th November

Important: This new webinar will include the exact same content as the original so if you’re already booked for the 11th November, there is no need to book for the 18th as well. 

The webinar

At the end of the day, Groundplan’s purpose is to drastically maximise the efficiency of your estimating workflow.

This is why we’re offering a free webinar to anyone using the Groundplan & simPRO integration. It’s an hour out of your day to add a lifetime of increased efficiency.

Our in-house trainer and simPRO superuser Cazz, will run through a list of features you may never have known exist.

What’s included?

A small sample of the content on the day will be:

  • How to match Groundplan with your simPRO configuration to optimise your workflow
  • Use simPRO catalog items and pre-builds for measuring in Groundplan
  • Assign simPRO labour rates and customer rates for Groundplan measuring
  • And a whole lot more

Webinar details

When: 10:00am AEST on Wednesday, 18th November 2020. (New date)

Duration: 45 minutes

Registrations Closed



Who can attend?

The webinar is intended for users who already have an active Groundplan account, an active simPRO account and an active connection between the two.

Do I need to register?

Yes, but, for each group watching one screen together, only one of you need to register. That way we can save more places for other attendees.

What do I need?

A good internet connection. Test your speakers or headset before we go live on the day, make sure you’ve made a cuppa before we begin.

You’ll receive reminder emails with all the details 1 week, 1 day and 1 hour before we go live. 

Will there be a Q&A at the end?

Of course! But with up to 100 attendees, we’ll need to keep it brief and the questions will need to be kept to a general nature.

Complex workflows will need closer attention after the webinar. We pride ourselves on brilliant support so if you have a question afterward, you only need to contact us at and we’ll jump straight onto it for you.

We also offer one hour free training to all users and additional training at $100 p/hr.

What can I do in the meantime?

Just make sure you’re registered.

Registrations Closed


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